Mothers’ Instinct [Duelles]


Directed By: Olivier Masset-Depasse

January 5, 2018 / French / 97 min

This thriller, set in a 1960s Belgium suburb, channels Hitchcock with its sudden turns and plot twists. Two women, best friends and both mothers, find themselves locked in a psychological duel after the death of one of their sons turns their idyllic world upside down. 

For a preview of this film, listen to the IC podcast, “From the Booth” F19 epidsode 4.

For an analysis of this film, listen to the IC podcast, “From the Booth” Fall 2019 episode 5.

Podcast Episodes:


IMDB Movie Page:

The trailer below is provided for reference and connects to a non-BYU site. International Cinema is not responsible for the content.

Screened Semesters:

  • 2019 Fall