2020 Winter
Screened Movies:
- The Godfather [January 23, 1972]
- War & Peace [Война и мир, March 2, 1966]
- Parasite [기생충, March 5, 2019]
- Tel Aviv on Fire [תל אביב על האש, January 14, 2018]
- Blinded by the Light [January 14, 2019]
- The Cordillera of Dreams [La cordillère des songes, January 14, 2019]
- Anthropocene: The Human Epoch [January 26, 2018]
- Everybody Knows [Todos lo saben, January 22, 2018]
- Photograph [January 22, 2019]
- The Baker’s Wife [La femme du boulanger, January 14, 1938]
- In the Aisles [In den Gängen, January 14, 2018]
- El Río [January 14, 2019]
- Still Life [三峡好人, February 7, 2006]
- Jinpa [ལག་དམར་, February 4, 2018]
- Of Fathers and Sons [عن الآباء والأبناء, February 4, 2017]
- Banksy Does New York [February 21, 2014]
- Broken Hill Blues [Ömheten, February 21, 2013]
- Jojo Rabbit [February 21, 2019]
- Millennium Actress [千年女優, March 2, 2001]
- And Then They Came for Us [March 2, 2017]
- The Wave [Bølgen, March 2, 2015]
- The Gold Rush [The Gold Rush, February 21, 1925]
- Arctic [March 5, 2018]
- Ága [February 21, 2018]
- Genesis 2.0 [February 21, 2018]
- Hard Labor [Trabalhar Cansa, March 2, 2011]
- The Chambermaid [La camarista, March 2, 2018]
- Maiden [March 2, 2018]
- O Brother, Where Art Thou? [March 17, 2000]
- Woman at War [Kona fer í stríð, March 17, 2018]
- Sullivan’s Travels [March 17, 1941]
- The Two Faces of a Bamiléké Woman [Les deux visages d'une femme Bamiléké, March 17, 2018]
- Sofia [March 24, 2018]
- Morgen [March 24, 2010]
- A Special Day [Un giorno speciale, March 24, 2012]
- Varda by Agnès [Varda par Agnès, April 1, 2019]
- The Exterminating Angel [El ángel exterminador, April 1, 1962]
- The Adventures of Prince Achmed [Die Abenteuer des Prinzen Achmed, April 1, 1926]
- Hunt for the Wilderpeople [March 27, 2016]
- The Farewell [January 9, 2019]